Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Life Journey

Searching for glittering destiny sprinkles resolute faith deeply,
The brave kiss of hope lingers like gentle fog through the ages.
Deliberate focus gains strength from accomplished pages,
Chosen dream longs the heart up craggy mountains steeply.

Successes overwhelm lonely and sad defeats by spirit true,
Dusting failure from sturdy shoulders winning begins again.
Tunnels light grows huge with each plodding step taken sane,
Glorious campaign always continues till body turns so blue.

Achievement of life satisfies the soul with momentary rest,
New day dawns starving for unfilled appetite of lofty test.
Struggle worthy builds character solid to waltz among best,
With last breath the empire remains sparkling golden chest.

Robert Dodson
July 22, 2009


Gayle McCain said...

Aaargh - I think it's me...

I start a sentence, have a clear image, and then another very different image slaps itself on top of the first.

Over and over, clear images, turned upside down or inside out.

And today, I cannot tell whether it is me, or it is your writing. Today with it's clear disjointed images, your writing is pushing me into something I have been avoiding. Turning my head inside out.

And lest you feel bad - this is not necessarily a bad thing. It is something I've been resisting. So thank you, I think.


Colonel Dodson said...

Thanks for the insight. I was a bit distracted today. I rushed too much too finish. I hope that you can get your thoughts down as you want them. I know I have that same issue a lot.