Sunday, August 13, 2006

Wisdom Borne

May the journey of your being, liven those you touch.
As hope gives meaning to life’s confusion,
Results are seldom seen as desired,
Inspiration is gratefully kept open near a heart,
Elation at travel’s end gives growing solace.

Heroes are rarely known to themselves,
Expectations favor those giving to the bottom.
Nurture the lapping waves of calm seas.
Reaching heights of wisdom borne trees,
Yearning the dreams of futures forgotten.

Steadfast love shoulders debts’ illusion,
Threads of faith exist within the required,
Eluding those who never give a single part
Involving a quiet disparate place
Evokes a thrill sought through much
Remorse of events unable to shelve.

May all rejoice in emotion seek those endless in emitting radiance,
Helping everyone needful resolve young stoicism tales ever including elastic respect.

Copyright © Robert Dodson, 2006 All Rights Reserved.