Saturday, July 18, 2009

Desires Shelf

Walking to the broken edge of struggling misery,
Reality slams its hopeful face onto faulty mind,
Torn asunder by mixed focus dreams will bind,
Trudging toward brink of sanity, vision freed.

The imprisoned memory floats in freedom,
Wafting glory over sweaty tormented body
Pardoned faith responds quietly its drum,
Living begins with dreams held set free.

Destiny’s course pens itself upon vacant trust,
Racing gathers each victory for desires shelf,
The laps of life increase each chanced success,
Sparkling sun shines glowing reward of self.

Robert Dodson
July 18, 2009


Gayle McCain said...

¸.•*' '* Sparticle Dance*´`*•.¸Pirouette¸.•*' '* nipS**Spin*´`*•.¸ ¸.•*' '* Sparkly Particle Dance*´`*•.¸¸.•*' '* Whee**´`*•.¸

Time is twisting, lives too. Lean back and let go of what you KNOW to be true. You will float above the struggle. Memories of pain wash away in the surging current.

Set your heart free, set soul free, move with the current, not against it.

I find it helps to literally "MOVE". The dog begs for a walk - go!

¸.•*' '* Sparticle Dance*´`*•.¸Pirouette¸.•*' '* nipS**Spin*´`*•.¸ ¸.•*' '* Sparkly Particle Dance*´`*•.¸¸.•*' '* Whee**´`*•.¸


Colonel Dodson said...

That is such an amazing comment. Thank you. You have such a wonderful way with words. I love your perspective. I can't get over how you knew my dog was begging for a walk.

Gayle McCain said...

I heard her. Mine is always always up for a walk. Not necessarily a run. but a walk.
AND I need to get off my 'but I don't wanna...'

In a few minutes I can. Look for the moon I'll wave at it...
