Thursday, February 04, 2010

Chasm of Emptiness

Fragile flowers in the winter hold their own in blinding light,
Against a murky, cloud filled sky hope wrestles victory,
Yesterday passes into the future beyond my fleeting sight,
Each day reminders abound of life lived picked so free.

Dreams dangle dread to fill a need once held high above,
Order reacts slowly to rocky foundations laid firmly still,
Destiny crawls upon a slippery ledge held together with love,
Sympathy borrows a hearts’ ache to gradually linger its fill.

Only visions sought can ever be given the chance of growth,
Nestled vigor wrangles the soft touch on my heart thrown,
Faith carries love through the jungle of emotion to learn,
Deep is the chasm of emptiness within me to ever burn.

Robert Dodson
February 4, 2010


Anonymous said...

i love it.

Marie said...

Wow..Robert - beautiful as usual. And I, of course, see Faye in it!

You are healing, you are moving forward - may seem ever so slowing, but you are. I'm glad to see you writing. I'm glad to see you doing what you LOVE to do. I'm glad I see her in your work. she's beautiful...just as I remember her.

{{{HUGS}} Cowboy! and thank you for sharing this with me!

Colonel Dodson said...

Thank you Nancy and Marie. Life goes on, sometimes slowly, but it continues.

Luna said...

share your pain
allow it's path
to show you
that although you feel alone
she is with you always
and when the tears are dried
for the day
may a laughing memory fill the void
and make you laugh as much as you have cried

I'm glad you stay with it
she was your biggest fan
just now you have read them
just alittle bit louder.

peace my friend

Gayle McCain said...

Your words paint sharp edged pictures
Unblurred by extra words.

Poinient and potent.

May you dwell in the empty chasm for a short while only. And as you journey on may your road rise up out of the chasm to reveal hope and joy again.

Gayle McCain

Colonel Dodson said...

Thanks Luna. That's a lovely comment. You really got it right. I love it. you have a great way with words.

Colonel Dodson said...

Thank you Gayle. I'm getting closer to the rim. Can almost see, but not quite. Steadily working on it.