Sunday, October 04, 2009

The Louvre

I stare at the walls of the Louvre with warm empathy,
The museum is an irreplaceable container for genius art.
That monotonous tour guide tone lulls the mind’s heart,
The plywood walls separating my decisions bars the sea.

I stroll the exhibits with wondrous awe-filled love,
Confused, enthralled, my emotions overflow my eyes.
The beauty and simplicity stun my silent whispered cries,
Amazing talent shares space with a viewer’s peaceful dove.

The monotonous empathy of plywood walls of the Louvre
Irreplaceable memories abound within the soul of all,
Pleased at the history of a remarkable museum calls
For an openness of non slatted windows of milky louvers.

Robert Dodson
October 3, 2009


Gayle McCain said...


You pictures evoke a clear knowingness of being there amongst the genius, and then ...

... you drag me (kicking and screaming) into a trailer with louvered windows.

(And thus speaks my own bias - Having spent 1 year in college living in a trailer.)

Gayle McCain

Neuro Aster (a.k.a. Jon Pear) said...

There are tour guides at the who also "lull the mind’s heart" . . . and I also have felt "my emotions overflow my eyes" and I've known those "silent whispered cries" . . . you describe my own experience at the very well

Colonel Dodson said...

Thank you Gayle and Jon. It gladdend my heart that my work can invoke such wonderful and realistic memories. I appreciate your kind words and thoughts. It is my reason for writing.