Monday, July 06, 2009

My Road

Nestled within my mind dreams collide
Debate wrangles victory over to the side.
Questions remain for a future yesterday
Living sees its tragedy stuck per se’.

Grab the zest of doing and live to fulfill
Triumph is measured by many failures
Giving up has no chance to establish will
Fighting through sets a tune heard for years.

Life’s end measures a well traveled journey
Choices made reveal no failure or success
In the end, flowers still dress a smell sweetly
My road paved hearts to those I can bless.

Robert Dodson
July 6, 2009


Hetty said...

THIS ONE IS A HUGE AMEN....we live...we learn..we move on thru His grace and Mercy! We have our choices of which road to take..sometimes we just choose the longer route...but thru faith in Jesus Christ...with faith He'll get us out! AMEN! You rock thru our ROCK my friend...this is life..never regret...pick up..pray..and move on with the correct answers He displays!
Heather Siebens

Colonel Dodson said...

Thank you so much. I'm glad you enjoyed the poem. I always say a prayer before I start writing for God to give me the words he wants others to read that they may have them for when they need them.